I have created a custom environment (different from the default one) named “juML”.
However, in the Windows 10 explorer I cannot find the C:\Users\USUARIO\juML
Where can I find directory juML?
How can I delete this project?
I have checked other questions in Discourse, and some of them are very close to mine, but they do not answer my question.
Thank you for any hint
I realized that I made a typo and I want to delete it, just to recreate it properly afterwards.
As far as I know, just activating the environment does not create its directories/files. Once you add a package to it, they will be written.
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You’re right, bertschi.
After activating a project, adding a package creates the directory , thank you.
Now, can the project be created somewhere else, and not under C:\Users\USUARIO?
I forgot to thank you, you solved my problem
You can pass any path to activate:
(@v1.10) pkg> activate /tmp/FooBar
Activating new project at `/tmp/FooBar`
By default the current working directory is used.
understood !!!
however, I keep on having problems with my active directory
for example …
that is, the current working directory does not change even I changed it with the cd statement
Not sure what you mean … calling cd
without arguments will change to your homedir (which is exactly what you illustrated here)
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