Here it is
error occurs when im trying to run decisionDF
###################Load Julia packages##########################################
using JuMP #package containing modeling features for optimization
using DataFrames #package facilitating input and output using dataframes
using CSV
using Cbc #load Cbc solver
###################Input data and initialize parameters##########################
#forecastAndPrice=readtable("RedTomatoForecastAndPrice_OffPeakDisc.csv") #read forecast and price from file
demand = forecastAndPrice[:,2] #extract demand column of forecastAndPrice data frame
price = forecastAndPrice[:,3] #extract price column of forecastAndPrice data frame
#Specify cost parameters
c_materials = 10 #Materials cost per unit
c_holding = 2 #Holding cost per unit/month
c_stockout = 5 #Stockout cost per unit/month
c_hiring = 300 #Hiring cost per worker
c_layoff = 500 #Layoff cost per worker
c_regular = 4 #Regular time wage per hour
c_overtime = 6 #Over time wage per hour
c_subcontract = 30 #Subcontracting per unit
#Specify other planning parameters
labReq = 4 #Labor hours per unit
hrsPerDay = 8 #hours per day
daysPerMonth = 20 #Days per month
maxOTPerMonth= 10 #Maximum over time per month
startingWorkForce= 80 #Maximum over time per month
endingWorkForce= 0 #ending workforce level
startingBackorder= 0 #starting backorder
endingBackorder= 0 #ending backorder
startInv= 1000 #starting inventory
endInv= 500 #ending inventory
########################Formulate optimization model####################################
nPeriods=size(demand,1) #obtain number of planning periods from forecast
#m = Model() #create Julia optimization model object
m = Model(with_optimizer(Cbc.Optimizer, logLevel=3))
#Create decision variables
@variable(m, W[0:nPeriods] >= 0,Int) #number of employees
@variable(m, H[1:nPeriods] >= 0, Int) #number of employees hired
@variable(m, L[1:nPeriods] >= 0, Int) #number of employess laid off
@variable(m, P[1:nPeriods] >= 0, Int) #number of units produced
@variable(m, Inv[0:nPeriods] >= 0) #number of units in inventory
@variable(m, S[0:nPeriods] >= 0) #number of units backordered
@variable(m, C[1:nPeriods] >= 0, Int) #number of units subcontracted
@variable(m, O[1:nPeriods] >= 0) #number of overtime hours
#Create objective function components
@expression(m, regTimeCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_regular*hrsPerDay*daysPerMonth*W[t]) #regular time cost
@expression(m, OTCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_overtime*O[t]) #over time cost
@expression(m, hiringCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_hiring*H[t]) #hiring cost
@expression(m, layoffCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_layoff*L[t]) #layoff cost
@expression(m, prodCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_materials*P[t]) #production cost
@expression(m, invCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_holding*Inv[t]) #inventory holding cost
@expression(m, stockOutCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_stockout*S[t]) #stockout cost
@expression(m, subContCost[t=1:nPeriods], c_subcontract*C[t]) #subcontracting cost
#Add objective function components together and form "minimization" objective function
@objective(m, Min, sum(regTimeCost[t] + OTCost[t] + hiringCost[t]
+ layoffCost[t] + prodCost[t] + invCost[t] + stockOutCost[t] + subContCost[t] for t=1:nPeriods))
#Create constraints
@constraints(m, begin
const_initWorkforce, W[0]==startingWorkForce #set W[0] to initial workforce
const_startInv, Inv[0] == startInv #set I[0] to initial inventory
const_startBackorder,S[0]==startingBackorder #set S[0] to initial backorder
const_workforceFlow[t=1:nPeriods], W[t] == W[t-1] + H[t] - L[t] #balance equations for workforce level
const_invBal[t=1:nPeriods], Inv[t] == Inv[t-1] + P[t] + C[t] + S[t] - demand[t] - S[t-1] #balance equations for inventory
const_prodCap[t=1:nPeriods], labReq*P[t] <= hrsPerDay*daysPerMonth*W[t] + O[t] #production time constraint
const_overTime[t=1:nPeriods], O[t] <= maxOTPerMonth*W[t] #maximum overtime constraint
const_endWorkforce, W[nPeriods] >= endingWorkForce #minimum ending workforce constraint
const_endInv, Inv[nPeriods] >= endInv #minimum ending inventory constraint
const_endBackorders, S[nPeriods] == endingBackorder #ending backorder constraint
println("****Formulation****\n",m,"\n") #print optimization model
########################Solve model and output solution####################################
#status = solve(m) #solve optimization model
status = optimize!(m) #solve model
println("****Solve status and results****")
println("Optimization status: ", status,"\n") #print solver status
# println("Workforce: ", getvalue(W))
#Create data frame with decision variables
decisionDF=DataFrame(W=getvalue(W)[1:nPeriods],H=getvalue(H),L=getvalue(L), P=getvalue(P),C=getvalue(C),S=getvalue(S)[1:nPeriods],Inv=getvalue(Inv)[1:nPeriods])
#Create data frame with costs per period
costPerPeriodDF = DataFrame(regTimeCost=getvalue(regTimeCost),OTCost=getvalue(OTCost),
#Create data frame containing profit information
Revenue=dot(price,demand) #sum_{t = 1 to nperiods} price(t)*demand(t)
#Process measures
Flowrate=mean(demand) #average demand satisfied by the aggregate plan
Inventory= (0.5*(getvalue(Inv)[0] + getvalue(Inv)[nPeriods]) + sum(getvalue(Inv)[1:nPeriods-1]))/nPeriods #average inventory
Flowtime=Inventory/Flowrate #flow time via little's law
processDF = DataFrame(Flowrate=Flowrate,Inventory=Inventory,Flowtime=Flowtime) #create data frame with process flow measures
println("****Optimal solution****\n",decisionDF,"\n") #print data frame containing decision variables created above
println(profitDF,"\n") #print profit
println("****Cost per period****\n",costPerPeriodDF,"\n") #print cost data frame created above
println("****Process flow measures****\n",processDF) #print data frame containing process flow measures
writetable("DecVar.csv", decisionDF) #write decision variable values to a csv file
writetable("profitSummary.csv", profitDF) #write profit information from data frame to a csv file
writetable("CostPerPeriod.csv", costPerPeriodDF) #write cost data frame to a csv file
writetable("ProcessFlowMeas.csv", processDF) #write process flow measures to a csv file
is not defined for collections of JuMP types. Use Julia’s broadcast syntax instead: JuMP.value.(x)
[1] error(::String) at .\error.jl:33
[2] value(::JuMP.Containers.DenseAxisArray{VariableRef,1,Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},Tuple{Dict{Int64,Int64}}}) at C:\Users\andre.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\variables.jl:1001
[3] getvalue(::JuMP.Containers.DenseAxisArray{VariableRef,1,Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},Tuple{Dict{Int64,Int64}}}) at .\deprecated.jl:48
[4] top-level scope at In[197]:97
[5] include_string(::Function, ::Module, ::String, ::String) at .\loading.jl:1091