Can't add ParetoSmooth to the current environment because ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements

I am working with vscode, I made an environment in the current folder

] activate . 

Selected it from the list of environments in vscode bottom left side

added some packages

pkg> st
      Status `~/GitProjects/FANS/Project.toml`
  [f5f396d3] ApproxBayes v0.3.2
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.3.3
  [b964fa9f] LaTeXStrings v1.3.0
  [b98c9c47] Pipe v1.3.0
  [91a5bcdd] Plots v1.22.5
  [6f49c342] RCall v0.13.13
  [2d09df54] StatisticalRethinking v3.4.3
  [e1a513d0] StatisticalRethinkingPlots v0.3.0
  [4c63d2b9] StatsFuns v0.9.8
  [fce5fe82] Turing v0.15.1
  [112f6efa] VegaLite v2.6.0

and then tried to add the following

 pkg> add ParetoSmooth
    Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General.toml`
   Resolving package versions...
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package Turing [fce5fe82]:
 Turing [fce5fe82] log:
 ├─possible versions are: 0.5.0-0.21.1 or uninstalled
 ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.5.0-0.21.1
 ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Requires [ae029012] to versions: 0.8.0-0.21.1 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.8.0-0.21.1
 │ └─Requires [ae029012] log:
 │   ├─possible versions are: 0.5.0-1.3.0 or uninstalled
 │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 1.1.0-1.3.0
 │     └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log:
 │       ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-1.0.1 or uninstalled
 │       ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-1.0.1
 │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.1.0-0.9.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.1.0-0.9.0
 │       │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log:
 │       │   ├─possible versions are: 0.16.0-0.25.53 or uninstalled
 │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: 0.16.0-0.25.53
 │       │   │ └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
 │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with ApproxBayes [f5f396d3] to versions: 0.16.0-0.23.12
 │       │   │ └─ApproxBayes [f5f396d3] log:
 │       │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.3.2 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-0.3.2
 │       │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 0.2.0-0.3.2 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.2.0-0.3.2
 │       │   │   │ └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log:
 │       │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.12.1-1.27.6 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.12.1-1.27.6
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 1.20.0-1.27.6
 │       │   │   │   │ └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with GR [28b8d3ca] to versions: [0.12.1-0.16.0, 1.19.2-1.22.5] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 1.20.0-1.22.5
 │       │   │   │     └─GR [28b8d3ca] log:
 │       │   │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.35.0-0.64.2 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 0.53.0-0.64.2
 │       │   │   │       │ └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 0.58.0-0.59.0
 │       │   │   │         └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log: see above
 │       │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with RecipesBase [3cdcf5f2] to versions: [0.1.0, 0.3.1-0.3.2] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.3.1-0.3.2
 │       │   │     └─RecipesBase [3cdcf5f2] log:
 │       │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.4.0-1.2.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 1.0.0-1.2.1
 │       │   │         └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatsBase [2913bbd2] to versions: 0.21.1-0.25.53 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.21.1-0.23.12
 │       │   │ └─StatsBase [2913bbd2] log:
 │       │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.24.0-0.33.16 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] to versions: 0.24.0-0.33.16
 │       │   │   │ └─StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] log:
 │       │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-4.5.0 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-4.5.0
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 2.0.0-4.5.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 2.0.0-4.5.0
 │       │   │   │   │ └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.1.0-3.4.6 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 2.0.0-3.4.6
 │       │   │   │   │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with ParetoSmoothedImportanceSampling [98f080ec] to versions: [0.1.0-3.2.1, 3.2.7-4.2.1] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [2.0.0-3.2.1, 3.2.7-3.4.6]
 │       │   │   │   │ └─ParetoSmoothedImportanceSampling [98f080ec] log:
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-1.3.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │     └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] to versions: 0.1.0-3.4.3 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [2.0.0-3.2.1, 3.2.7-3.4.3]
 │       │   │   │   │ └─ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] log:
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.7.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-0.7.1
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: [0.1.0-0.2.0, 0.7.0-0.7.1] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [0.1.0-0.2.0, 0.7.0-0.7.1]
 │       │   │   │   │   │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with MCMCDiagnosticTools [be115224] to versions: 0.1.0-0.1.3 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.1.0-0.1.3
 │       │   │   │   │     └─MCMCDiagnosticTools [be115224] log:
 │       │   │   │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.1.3 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │         └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with MCMCChains [c7f686f2] to versions: [0.1.0-0.7.0, 2.0.0-2.1.5, 2.2.3-4.4.1] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [2.0.0-2.1.5, 2.2.3-3.2.1, 3.2.7-3.4.3]
 │       │   │   │   │ └─MCMCChains [c7f686f2] log:
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.2.4-5.1.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with MCMCDiagnosticTools [be115224] to versions: 0.2.4-4.14.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │   │ └─MCMCDiagnosticTools [be115224] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with RecipesBase [3cdcf5f2] to versions: 3.0.11-5.1.1 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 3.0.11-4.14.1 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │   │   │ └─RecipesBase [3cdcf5f2] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] to versions: 4.12.0-4.14.1
 │       │   │   │   │     └─ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] log: see above
 │       │   │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with DataFrames [a93c6f00] to versions: 3.4.2-4.5.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 3.4.2-3.4.3
 │       │   │   │     └─DataFrames [a93c6f00] log:
 │       │   │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.11.7-1.3.3 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.11.7-1.3.3
 │       │   │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] to versions: 0.20.0-1.3.3
 │       │   │   │       │ └─StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Tables [bd369af6] to versions: [0.11.7-0.13.1, 0.20.1-1.3.3] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.20.1-1.3.3
 │       │   │   │       │ └─Tables [bd369af6] log:
 │       │   │   │       │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-1.7.0 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with GeometryBasics [5c1252a2] to versions: 0.2.0-1.7.0
 │       │   │   │       │   │ └─GeometryBasics [5c1252a2] log:
 │       │   │   │       │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.4.2 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: [0.2.0-0.2.15, 0.3.1-0.4.2]
 │       │   │   │       │   │     └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatsPlots [f3b207a7] to versions: 1.0.0-1.7.0
 │       │   │   │       │   │ └─StatsPlots [f3b207a7] log:
 │       │   │   │       │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.10.0-0.14.33 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 0.14.0-0.14.33
 │       │   │   │       │   │   │ └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 0.14.4-0.14.33 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.14.4-0.14.33
 │       │   │   │       │   │   │ └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with RecipesPipeline [01d81517] to versions: [0.10.0-0.14.5, 0.14.19-0.14.33] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [0.14.4-0.14.5, 0.14.19-0.14.33]
 │       │   │   │       │   │     └─RecipesPipeline [01d81517] log:
 │       │   │   │       │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.5.2 or uninstalled
 │       │   │   │       │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 0.3.0-0.5.2
 │       │   │   │       │   │         └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with DataFrames [a93c6f00] to versions: 1.2.0-1.7.0
 │       │   │   │       │     └─DataFrames [a93c6f00] log: see above
 │       │   │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 1.2.0-1.3.3
 │       │   │   │         └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log: see above
 │       │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Plots [91a5bcdd] to versions: 0.32.0-0.33.16
 │       │   │   │ └─Plots [91a5bcdd] log: see above
 │       │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] to versions: 0.33.0-0.33.16
 │       │   │     └─StatisticalRethinkingPlots [e1a513d0] log: see above
 │       │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] to versions: 0.22.0-0.25.53, leaving only versions: 0.22.0-0.23.12
 │       │   │ └─StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] log: see above
 │       │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatsBase [2913bbd2] to versions: 0.23.2-0.25.53 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.23.2-0.23.12
 │       │     └─StatsBase [2913bbd2] log: see above
 │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] to versions: 0.1.0-0.3.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.1.0-0.3.0
 │         └─StatisticalRethinking [2d09df54] log: see above
 ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with MCMCChains [c7f686f2] to versions: [0.5.0-0.6.9, 0.9.0-0.17.4] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.9.0-0.17.4
 │ └─MCMCChains [c7f686f2] log: see above
 ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with AdvancedPS [576499cb] to versions: [0.5.0-0.15.1, 0.20.0-0.21.1] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.9.0-0.15.1
 │ └─AdvancedPS [576499cb] log:
 │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.3.7 or uninstalled
 │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Libtask [6f1fad26] to versions: 0.3.0-0.3.7 or uninstalled
 │   │ └─Libtask [6f1fad26] log:
 │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.1-0.7.0 or uninstalled
 │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: [0.1.1-0.5.3, 0.6.6-0.7.0]
 │   │   │ └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
 │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Libtask_jll [3ae2931a] to versions: [0.1.1-0.4.2, 0.6.0-0.7.0] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [0.1.1-0.4.2, 0.6.6-0.7.0]
 │   │   │ └─Libtask_jll [3ae2931a] log:
 │   │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.3.0-0.5.1 or uninstalled
 │   │   │   └─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: [0.3.0-0.3.2, 0.5.0-0.5.1] or uninstalled
 │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: 0.3.1-0.5.3, leaving only versions: 0.3.1-0.4.2
 │   │     └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
 │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Libtask [6f1fad26] to versions: uninstalled
 │     └─Libtask [6f1fad26] log: see above
 ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with MCMCChains [c7f686f2] to versions: [0.5.0-0.6.9, 0.14.0-0.17.4] or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.14.0-0.15.1
 │ └─MCMCChains [c7f686f2] log: see above
 └─restricted by compatibility requirements with EllipticalSliceSampling [cad2338a] to versions: [0.5.0-0.9.0, 0.9.2, 0.15.5-0.20.4] or uninstalled — no versions left
   └─EllipticalSliceSampling [cad2338a] log:
     ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.5.0 or uninstalled
     ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.2.0-0.5.0 or uninstalled
     │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
     ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with AbstractMCMC [80f14c24] to versions: 0.1.0-0.4.3 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.2.0-0.4.3 or uninstalled
     │ └─AbstractMCMC [80f14c24] log:
     │   ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-4.0.0 or uninstalled
     │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: [0.4.0, 0.5.2-1.0.1, 2.1.0-2.5.0]
     │   │ └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
     │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatsBase [2913bbd2] to versions: 0.5.6-4.0.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: [0.5.6-1.0.1, 2.1.0-2.5.0]
     │     └─StatsBase [2913bbd2] log: see above
     └─restricted by compatibility requirements with ArrayInterface [4fba245c] to versions: 0.4.1-0.5.0 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.4.1-0.4.3 or uninstalled
       └─ArrayInterface [4fba245c] log:
         ├─possible versions are: 0.0.1-5.0.7 or uninstalled
         ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Requires [ae029012] to versions: 2.1.0-5.0.7 or uninstalled
         │ └─Requires [ae029012] log: see above
         └─restricted by compatibility requirements with LoopVectorization [bdcacae8] to versions: 3.1.9-3.2.2
           └─LoopVectorization [bdcacae8] log:
             ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.12.108 or uninstalled
             ├─restricted by julia compatibility requirements to versions: 0.9.0-0.12.108 or uninstalled
             ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with SpecialFunctions [276daf66] to versions: 0.1.0-0.12.99 or uninstalled, leaving only versions: 0.9.0-0.12.99 or uninstalled
             │ └─SpecialFunctions [276daf66] log:
             │   ├─possible versions are: 0.7.0-2.1.4 or uninstalled
             │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with StatsFuns [4c63d2b9] to versions: 0.7.0-2.1.4
             │   │ └─StatsFuns [4c63d2b9] log:
             │   │   ├─possible versions are: 0.7.0-0.9.18 or uninstalled
             │   │   ├─restricted to versions * by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.7.0-0.9.18
             │   │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.8.0-0.9.18
             │   │   │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
             │   │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Bijectors [76274a88] to versions: [0.8.0, 0.9.3-0.9.18]
             │   │     └─Bijectors [76274a88] log:
             │   │       ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.10.0 or uninstalled
             │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Requires [ae029012] to versions: [0.1.0, 0.3.0-0.10.0] or uninstalled
             │   │       │ └─Requires [ae029012] log: see above
             │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.5.1-0.10.0 or uninstalled
             │   │       │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
             │   │       ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: [0.4.0-0.5.2, 0.6.4-0.8.16], leaving only versions: [0.5.1-0.5.2, 0.6.4-0.8.16]
             │   │       │ └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
             │   │       └─restricted by compatibility requirements with DynamicPPL [366bfd00] to versions: 0.5.2-0.9.11, leaving only versions: [0.5.2, 0.6.4-0.8.16]
             │   │         └─DynamicPPL [366bfd00] log:
             │   │           ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.19.1 or uninstalled
             │   │           ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.1.1-0.19.1 or uninstalled
             │   │           │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
             │   │           └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Turing [fce5fe82] to versions: [0.4.0-0.5.0, 0.7.1-0.10.20]
             │   │             └─Turing [fce5fe82] log: see above
             │   ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.7.0-0.10.3
             │   │ └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
             │   └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Distributions [31c24e10] to versions: 0.8.0-0.10.3
             │     └─Distributions [31c24e10] log: see above
             └─restricted by compatibility requirements with ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] to versions: 0.12.37-0.12.108, leaving only versions: 0.12.37-0.12.99
               └─ParetoSmooth [a68b5a21] log: see above

I don’t know how to resolve the issue with ParetoSmooth.

Maybe this was obvious, but I resolved it by deleting Project.toml and Manifest.toml

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