Cannot instantiate env in Julia 1.10: adwaita_icon_theme_jll git tree hash error - anyone else?

Apologies for double-posting, but I’m not allowed to have more than 2 links in a post as a new user. Here’s an update:

Update: upon trying again about an hour after the initial attempt, the instantiation progressed through a couple dozen additional artifact files. I don’t have anything in the artifacts directory matching the above expected hash “65eca7c48dea1e32203b205613441ce9506045b4”, but nonetheless the process skipped it / changed the order of things, seemingly.

Now, iso_codes_jll is giving me the same type of error. A quick reply on my issue above suggested this is a Pkg issue, which indeed seems more obviously relevant than Yggdrasil itself given that it is a tree hash.

Given that it is now happening with a 2nd _jll, it seems it may be fairly common/widespread. This issue was linked to me on github: “Artifact hash mismatch with P4est_jll on Julia v1.10 · Issue #3643 · JuliaLang/Pkg.jl · GitHub” (and my above issue was linked to this one), so it is the more relevant one for any discussion.

Here’s the iso_codes_jll tree hash error:

(JL1XVENV) pkg> up
    Updating registry at `C:\1\.julia\registries\General.toml`
  Downloaded artifact: iso_codes
  Downloaded artifact: iso_codes
ERROR: Unable to automatically download/install artifact 'iso_codes' from sources listed in 'C:\1\.julia\packages\iso_codes_jll\wcUPz\Artifacts.toml'.
Sources attempted:
    Error: Tree Hash Mismatch!
  Expected git-tree-sha1:   71f68a3d55d73f2e15a3969c241fae2349b1feb5
  Calculated git-tree-sha1: 409d6ac4c02dae43ff4fe576b5c5820d0386fb3f

I’ve never had this happen with any previous version of Julia, so I presume it is likely related to the 1.10 release. At least in my case it seems to be pretty significant speedbump in what is normally a friendly, automated process that takes minutes.