Cannot install dataset dependency

I’m currently training a classifier using Pluto and Julia and I need to install the CIFAR10 dataset. When I run the Julia file through Pluto it works fine but it won’t install the dataset dependency. I know the code on the workbook side is correct but it won’t let me answer Yes/No for the installation.

Opening http://localhost:1234/?secret=ebW5BUFh in your default browser... ~ have fun!

Press Ctrl+C in this terminal to stop Pluto

    Updating registry done ✓
      From worker 5:	WARNING: could not import HDF5.exists into MAT
      From worker 5:	This program has requested access to the data dependency CIFAR10.
      From worker 5:	which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	Dataset: The CIFAR-10 dataset
      From worker 5:	Authors: Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, Geoffrey Hinton
      From worker 5:	Website:
      From worker 5:	Reference:
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	[Krizhevsky, 2009]
      From worker 5:	    Alex Krizhevsky.
      From worker 5:	    "Learning Multiple Layers of Features from Tiny Images",
      From worker 5:	    Tech Report, 2009.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	The CIFAR-10 dataset is a labeled subsets of the 80
      From worker 5:	million tiny images dataset. It consists of 60000
      From worker 5:	32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images
      From worker 5:	per class.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	The compressed archive file that contains the
      From worker 5:	complete dataset is available for download at the
      From worker 5:	offical website linked above; specifically the binary
      From worker 5:	version for C programs. Note that using the data
      From worker 5:	responsibly and respecting copyright remains your
      From worker 5:	responsibility. The authors of CIFAR-10 aren't really
      From worker 5:	explicit about any terms of use, so please read the
      From worker 5:	website to make sure you want to download the
      From worker 5:	dataset.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	Do you want to download the dataset from to "/Users/phelo/.julia/datadeps/CIFAR10"?
      From worker 5:	[y/n]
      From worker 5:	This program has requested access to the data dependency CIFAR10.
      From worker 5:	which is not currently installed. It can be installed automatically, and you will not see this message again.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	Dataset: The CIFAR-10 dataset
      From worker 5:	Authors: Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, Geoffrey Hinton
      From worker 5:	Website:
      From worker 5:	Reference:
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	[Krizhevsky, 2009]
      From worker 5:	    Alex Krizhevsky.
      From worker 5:	    "Learning Multiple Layers of Features from Tiny Images",
      From worker 5:	    Tech Report, 2009.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	The CIFAR-10 dataset is a labeled subsets of the 80
      From worker 5:	million tiny images dataset. It consists of 60000
      From worker 5:	32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images
      From worker 5:	per class.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	The compressed archive file that contains the
      From worker 5:	complete dataset is available for download at the
      From worker 5:	offical website linked above; specifically the binary
      From worker 5:	version for C programs. Note that using the data
      From worker 5:	responsibly and respecting copyright remains your
      From worker 5:	responsibility. The authors of CIFAR-10 aren't really
      From worker 5:	explicit about any terms of use, so please read the
      From worker 5:	website to make sure you want to download the
      From worker 5:	dataset.
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	
      From worker 5:	Do you want to download the dataset from to "/Users/phelo/.julia/datadeps/CIFAR10"?
      From worker 5:	[y/n]

Can you manually download

and save it in the folder (which you may or may not have to create)


and try again

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This worked for me, thank you!

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