Can you do fine adjustment on legend position in Makie?

I would like to do fine adjustment on the position of an axis so that it doesn’t interfere with plotted lines. Is there a way to do this? The documentation only shows the nine positions encoded by symbols like :lc in the following

axislegend(ax1, groups, labels, nbanks=1, position=:lc, margin=(4,0,0,-5), padding=(0,0,0,0))

Is there a way to adjust the position using plot coordinates or absolute coordinates? For instance, position = (0.8, 0.3) throws an error, because it tries to convert it to symbols. Thanks.

ok, I got it to work by just adding in some padding, such as

axislegend(ax1, groups, labels, nbanks=1, position=:lc, margin=(4,0,0,-5), padding=(5,0,10,0))

In the just released version, the position = tuple behavior was also fixed, so your (0.8, 0.3) would have worked

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