Can the threads generated by @tspawnat synchronized by channel?

I want to use and test multi-threading with synchronization between them using channel channels as in the example MWE, in which nthreads()=3. Each thread executes for-loop and while-loop inside it.

In each iteration of the while-loop, the first thread, i.e., threadid()=1, put! into channels and blocks until threads 2&3 take!. Then move to the next iteration. threadid()=1 also updates status in the second iteration of the while-loop to get out of it.

To track the execution of thread 1, the command println("Iteration $t Thread $(threadid()) Update status") is assigned it. While for threads 2&3, the command println("Iteration $t Thread $(threadid()) Execution") is assigned to them.

function f()
  iter = 0   # artificial parameter that helps in updating `status`
  channels = [Channel{Nothing}(0) for i in 1:(nthreads()-1)]
  status = true
  thrs = [@tspawnat i begin
  for t in 1:2
    iter = 0
    status = true
    while status
      if threadid() == 1
       #This is to reverse the value of `status` in the second iteration of the `while loop`
        iter += 1;
        if iter == 2
          status = false
        println("Iteration $t Thread $(threadid()) Update status")
        put!.(channels, nothing)
        println("Iteration $t Thread $(threadid()) Execution")
      end # if threadid() == 1
    end # while status
  end  # for t in 1:2
 end for i = 1:nthreads()];

I expect the results to be as below, however, it freezes randomly. I think it is due to improper usage of put! and take! for channels. Could you please guide me to solve the problem?.

Iteration 1 Thread 1 Update status
Iteration 1 Thread 2 Execution
Iteration 1 Thread 3 Execution
Iteration 1 Thread 1 Update status
Iteration 1 Thread 2 Execution
Iteration 1 Thread 3 Execution

Iteration 2 Thread 1 Update status
Iteration 2 Thread 2 Execution
Iteration 2 Thread 3 Execution
Iteration 2 Thread 1 Update status
Iteration 2 Thread 2 Execution
Iteration 2 Thread 3 Execution