Can the CPU function be a multi-process parallel function when using the Threads.@spawn command to perform overlapping operations between the GPU and the CPU?

When the CPU performs compute-intensive tasks, it never yields, so the Threads.@spawn command assigns CPU and GPU operations to different threads to achieve overlap and shorten the overall running time. However, can the function of the CPU be a multi-process function?

I conducted the following tests and found that when the CPU function is a multi-process function, the overlapping effect is not good, and only a part of the time is overlapped.

  • My doubt is whether using the Threads.@spawn command to perform GPU and CPU overlapping operations will achieve good results only when the CPU function is serial?

  • If the CPU function is a multi-process parallel function at this time, do some optimization operations need to be performed to achieve an excellent overlapping effect?


using CUDA
using BenchmarkTools
using Distributed

ngpu = 10000
ncpu = 3000

Acpu =  rand(Float64,ncpu,ncpu)
Bcpu =  rand(Float64,ncpu)

Agpu =  CUDA.rand(Float64,ngpu,ngpu)
Bgpu =  CUDA.rand(Float64,ngpu)
Cgpu1 =  CUDA.zeros(Float64,ngpu)

#GPU function
function MatrixVectorMul!(Agpu,Bgpu,Cgpu)
    it = (blockIdx().x-1) * blockDim().x + threadIdx().x
    num = size(Agpu,1) 
    if  it >   num 

    for  i = 1:num
        Cgpu[it] =  Cgpu[it] + Agpu[it,i]*Bgpu[i]

#CPU multi-process function
function MatrixVectorMulcpumultiprocess(Acpu,Bcpu)
    w = workers()
    chunknum = length(w)
    chunklen = cld(size(Acpu,1), chunknum)

    Ccpupart1 = @spawnat w[1] MatrixVectorMulcpumultiprocesssub(Acpu[:,1:chunklen],Bcpu[1:chunklen])
    Ccpupart2 = @spawnat w[2] MatrixVectorMulcpumultiprocesssub(Acpu[:,chunklen+1:end],Bcpu[chunklen+1:end])

    Ccpu = fetch(Ccpupart1) + fetch(Ccpupart2)

    return Ccpu

@everywhere function MatrixVectorMulcpumultiprocesssub(Acpu,Bcpu)
    num1 = size(Acpu,2)
    num2 = size(Acpu,1)
    Ccpu = zeros(Float64,num2)
    for i = 1:num1
        for j = 1:num2
            Ccpu[j] =  Ccpu[j] + Acpu[j,i]*Bcpu[i]
    return Ccpu

#the overlapping operation
@btime @sync begin
# GPU part running time: 4.132s
    Threads.@spawn begin
        for i = 1:1000
            CUDA.@sync @cuda(
            threads = 256, 
            blocks = cld(size(Agpu,1),256), 
# CPU part running time:3.022s
    Threads.@spawn begin
        for  i = 1:30
            Ccpu = MatrixVectorMulcpumultiprocess(Acpu,Bcpu)
#overall running time: 6.138s
#overlapping time: (4.132s+3.022s) - 6.138s = 1.016s
#the overlapping effect is not good

#CUDA: 4.4.0
#julia: 1.8.5

Speculating here, but this may be due to CUDA.jl’s nonblocking synchronization performing I/O, and thus contending with whatever I/O is required for multi-process communication. As a result, this may have been improved by Perform synchronization on a worker thread by maleadt · Pull Request #2025 · JuliaGPU/CUDA.jl · GitHub, where we don’t rely on I/O anymore, but use a worker thread instead. Note that this requires Julia 1.9.2+.

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Thank you for responding! I attempted to update Julia to version 1.9.2, but unfortunately, the overlap effect is still not satisfactory and has even worsened slightly. I noticed that the request link you provided is after the latest release of CUDA.jl v .4.4.0. Maybe I’ll wait until the next version of CUDA.jl is released to test it again.

Yes, you need to use CUDA#master to test out that PR.