using Plots
x = exp.(randn(100) .- 36)
y = exp.(randn(100) .- 36)
plot(x,y, xscale = :log10, yscale = :log10, markershape = :square)
The lines show perfectly, but funnily enough, the markers are truncated at 1e-16. The same behavior happens for scatter. Fixing this would make me very happy. Using Julia 1.5.0 on Windows 10.
Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve realized that I had Plots 1.5.8 and PyPlot 2.9.0. I upgraded to Plots 1.6.0, but no change occurred, and no amount of extra upgrading seemed to help. However, I just tried on another computer (which still has Plots 1.5.8 and PyPlot 2.9.0) and the bug isn’t there for some reason. So problem solved for me for now, but still mystery as to what causes this on computer no 1.