I have a small project that I am running on my computer, as well as on a remote server. On my laptop, I typically use Plots.jl or Makie.jl for visualization, but on the server I am typically interested in saving my results as a txt or jld2 file.
Now, I am wondering if there is an is_headless() function somewhere that would tell you whether you are in headless machine/environment or not. This will save me some time since I do not have to plot anything on the server, and I do not have to rewrite my code.
Here’s a simple example of what I am imagining is_headless() would do
f(x)=sin(x) #example
if is_headless() #no gui
using DelimitedFiles
else #there is a gui
using Plots
savefig(plt,"plot.png") #or display(plt)
Neat! It worked on my Arch and Debian 12 servers. However, I got ERROR: KeyError: key "XDG_SESSION_TYPE" not found when running it on Ubuntu 22.04 and RHEL 8.10 (all using the latest v1.10.5)
For now, it seems like this works fine
is_headless() = !(haskey(ENV,"XDG_SESSION_TYPE") && (ENV["XDG_SESSION_TYPE"] in ("wayland", "x11")))
Having said that, I am curious as to why XDG_SESSION_TYPE is not an environment variable on some systems.