I am solving a series of problems which are in some sense very small modifications from one another.
At eash step, I modify my loss using the information from the inverse hessian obtained by BFGS, and then i restart BFGS on the new loss. I was wandering if there would be a way to keep the BFGS instance I have (an dnot only give its hessian to a new one) at each step ?
I have something that looks like the following (not an MWE sadly).
opts = Optim.Options(
allow_outer_f_increases = true,
my_loss(p,λ) = ...
par = randn(10)
λ = 0
for i in 1:100
invH = one(zeros(10,10))
m = BFGS(initial_invH = x-> invH)
obj = OnceDifferentiable(p -> my_loss(p,λ),par; autodiff = :forward)
bfgsstate = Optim.initial_state(m,opts,obj,par) # allows to get back the hessian.
res = optimize(obj, par, m, opts, bfgsstate)
par = Optim.minimizer(res)
invH = bfgsstate.invH
λ += some_correction_computed_from(invH)
This looks wastefull. Is there a way to keep the bfgsstate alltogether and only change the loss in it ? I cannot come up with a good MWE sorry