I have a question regarding the call of Fortran routines within a Jump objective function. With the help of several forum posts, I managed to write Julia and Fortran code so I can call the Fortran routine from Julia outside of a Jump objective function.
In this case, the Julia code looks like this
ffreturn = zeros(Float64,1)
xx = zeros(Float64,2)
xx[1] = 2.0
xx[2] = 4.2
ccall((:FCN, "C:/Users/.../Subroutine.dll"),
Cvoid, (Ptr{Array{Float64,2}},Ptr{Array{Float64,1}}),xx,ffreturn)
and on the Fortran side, the code is
module objective
implicit none
public :: FCN
subroutine FCN(x,fvalue) bind(C,name="FCN")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double
implicit none
real(c_double), intent(in) :: x(2)
real(c_double), intent(inout) :: fvalue(1)
fvalue(1) = (x(1)-2.)**2 + (x(2)-3.)**2
end subroutine FCN
end module objective
in this setup, everything works fine. However, when I try to call the Fortran routine from within a Jump objective function, the code is still running and the optimizer finishes, however, the Fortran routine only receives zeros as input values for x(1) and x(2) throughout the optimization. In this case, the the Julia side looks like this:
using JuMP
using Ipopt
myModel = Model(solver=IpoptSolver())
@variable(myModel, x[1:2])
function my_function(x)
freturn = zeros(Float64,1)
ccall((:FCN, "C:/Users/.../Subroutine.dll"),
Cvoid, (Ptr{Array{Float64,2}},Ptr{Array{Float64,1}}),x,freturn)
fvalue = freturn[1]
return fvalue
@objective(myModel, Min, my_function(x))
status = solve(myModel)
Is this not working because of Jumps automatic differentiation approach and because of this, x is actually some sort of overloaded structure? The result of typeof(x) only returns Variable. Or do I need to change something on the Fortran side?
Thank you in advance for any helpful suggestions!