Hi Julia users,
I want to call a C function which return a pointer to struct, such as
typedef struct {
int n_atoms;
int *mapping_to_primitive;
double transformation_matrix[3][3];
double origin_shift[3];
int (*rotations)[3][3];
double (*translations)[3];
} Dataset;
How to define this in Julia?
something like this should work:
struct Dataset
# TODO check if row/column major
transformation_matrix::SMatrix{Float64, 3, 3}
origin_shift::SVector{Float64, 3}
# TODO not sure if I understand the syntax correctly for int (*rotations)[3][3];
rotations::Ptr{SMatrix{Cint, 3, 3}}
translations::Ptr{SVector{Float64, 3}}
Might need some more investigation 
1 Like
should be used like this in ccall:
ptr = ccall((:func, "lib"), Ptr{Dataset}, (...), ...)
jl_dataset = unsafe_load(ptr)
# this might also work (untested)
ptr = ccall((:func, "lib"), Ref{Dataset}, (...), ...)
jl_dataset = ptr[]
Thank you. But how to get the value of mapping_to_primitive in struct Dataset? The following code is not working,