Call functions with the same names from different files


I have a file where I include files:


and then I want to call functions from these files, and since they have the same name, i wanted to use the file’s names as discriminators:


These are my functions, so I can just change their names and it’ll be good, but is it possible to achieve what I’m trying to?

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A distinction based on the source file name is not possible (AFAIK).

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Conceptually, the include keyword just copy-pastes the code in the target file. Unlike Python’s import, it does not create a separate namespace (or module): in Julia, namespaces and files are disconnected.

If you really prefer Python-like behavior, take a look at GitHub - Roger-luo/FromFile.jl: Julia enhancement proposal (Julep) for implicit per file module in Julia

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See also Best practise: organising code in Julia - #2 by stevengj


You may be interested in GitHub - Roger-luo/FromFile.jl: Julia enhancement proposal (Julep) for implicit per file module in Julia

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