How about JuliaFEM to calculate this kind of properties?
using JuliaFEM
using JuliaFEM.Preprocess
add_elements! = JuliaFEM.add_elements!
mesh = abaqus_read_mesh(joinpath("cross_section_properties", "beam.inp"))
volume_elements = create_elements(mesh, "BEAM")
left_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, "LEFT")
info("Number of volume elements: ", length(volume_elements))
info("Number of surface elements in LEFT", length(left_elements))
update!(volume_elements, "density", 5.0)
volume = 0.0
mass = 0.0
# Calculate volume and mass of body
time = 0.0
for element in volume_elements
for ip in get_integration_points(element)
detJ = element(ip, time, Val{:detJ})
volume += ip.weight * detJ
density = element("density", ip, time)
mass += ip.weight * density * detJ
info("Volume of mesh: ", round(volume, 2))
info("Mass of mesh: ", round(mass, 2))
b = 10
h = 20
L = 100
using Base.Test
@test isapprox(volume, b*h*L)
@test isapprox(mass, 5*volume)
# Calculate first moment of inertia with respect to origin
Qy = 0.0
Qz = 0.0
area = 0.0
for element in left_elements
for ip in get_integration_points(element)
detJ = element(ip, time, Val{:detJ})
x, y, z = element("geometry", ip, time)
Qy += ip.weight * z * detJ
Qz += ip.weight * y * detJ
area += ip.weight * detJ
info("Qy: ", round(Qy, 2))
info("Qz: ", round(Qz, 2))
# Calculate centroid
yc = Qz/area
zc = Qy/area
info("yc: ", round(yc, 2))
info("zc: ", round(zc, 2))
@test isapprox(yc, b/2)
@test isapprox(zc, h/2)
# Calculate second moment of inertia with respect to centroid
Iy = 0.0
Iz = 0.0
for element in left_elements
for ip in get_integration_points(element, 1)
detJ = element(ip, time, Val{:detJ})
x, y, z = element("geometry", ip, time)
Iy += ip.weight * (y-yc)^2 * detJ
Iz += ip.weight * (z-zc)^2 * detJ
area += ip.weight * detJ
info("Iy: ", round(Iy, 2))
info("Iz: ", round(Iz, 2))
@test isapprox(Iy, h*b^3/12)
@test isapprox(Iz, b*h^3/12)