This package (unregistered) CachePath.jl allows you to specify a depot for saving and loading a single (or several) precompilation cache files (.ji
This branch of PyCall.jl allows you to save the metadata on which version of Python it is built with, eg which libpython, in a directory other than the source installation of PyCall.jl in the depot. That is “deps.jl” may be stored outside of ~/.julia/packages/PyCall
Together, these allow you to use PyCall with two different libpythons without any recompilation:
shell> julia-latest -q
julia> using CachePath;
[ Info: Precompiling CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f]
[ Info: Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f].
julia> const PyCall = Base.require("PyCall", "../adepot")
julia> PyCall.@pyimport sys
julia> sys.executable
julia> PyCall.@pyimport numpy
julia> numpy.random.random(2)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
shell> julia-latest -q
julia> using CachePath;
[ Info: Precompiling CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f]
[ Info: Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f].
julia> const PyCall = Base.require("PyCall", "../adepot2")
julia> PyCall.@pyimport sys
julia> sys.executable
julia> PyCall.@pyimport numpy
julia> numpy.random.random(2)
2-element Vector{Float64}:
I just threw this together, so it’s not super-convenient or bulletproof, but it does work.
EDIT: This has been fixed: In particular CachePath.jl
evaluates everything in Base
, and so is not precompiled, just becase copying code out of Base
into another module can be more difficult than you might think. But, it’s possible.
EDIT: (see comments below in this thread)
Note that using the alternative PythonCall.jl
and its compantion juliacall
with different libpythons (and python exectuables) does not trigger recompilation of the cache file for PythonCall.jl
Anticipating the question: PythonCall.jl
is more transparent and automatic about recompilation upon switching libpython versions, but it still does recompilation every time.
Changing deps.jl
to conflict with the compiled cache file will cause recompilation upon require
shell> julia-latest -q
# depot "adepot2" cached PyCall uses /usr/sbin/python
julia> ENV["PYCALL_DEPOT"] = "/home/lapeyre/.julia/dev/adepot2";
# Use the conda python installation instead
julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = "";
# writes deps.jl to specify conda python
julia> using CachePath;
[ Info: Precompiling CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f]
[ Info: Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f].
# PyCall is recompiled
julia> const PyCall = Base.require("PyCall", "../adepot2") # This will trigger recompilation
[ Info: Precompiling PyCall [438e738f-606a-5dbb-bf0a-cddfbfd45ab0]
# If we rebuild with the same libpython and the same depot path `adepo2`, then no
# precompilation happens
shell> julia-latest -q
julia> ENV["PYCALL_DEPOT"] = "/home/lapeyre/.julia/dev/adepot2";
julia> ENV["PYTHON"] = "";
Building Conda ─→ `~/.julia/scratchspaces/44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f/6cdc8832ba11c7695f494c9d9a1c31e90959ce0f/build.log`
Building PyCall → `~/.julia/dev/PyCall/deps/build.log`
julia> using CachePath;
[ Info: Precompiling CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f]
[ Info: Skipping precompilation since __precompile__(false). Importing CachePath [99f2aab7-dba8-43e9-8e3a-7970522a3b8f].
julia> const PyCall = Base.require("PyCall", "../adepot2")