Is there something equivalent to C union
in Julia?
union {
double b;
uint64_t u64;
} u;
u.b = d;
// use u.u64 here ....
I found the following package:
Is this the way the community would suggest to do it? Or is there a Julia base version which is recommended?
Thank you
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May 31, 2021, 6:25pm
Not in the sense, that the memory size for this union is the same for all values allowed by the union definition (afaik). But there is Type-Unions:
To answer this, you need to tell us something about your problem/task/algorithm. There is no Julia way to do just the same as C union without a context.
CUnion.jl seems to implement the C union property like memory size is the largest type, so it seems to be it. But I don’t know if this is really needed.
No; you need to do something like
julia> mutable struct U
julia> Base.getproperty(u::U, s::Symbol) = s == :b ? reinterpret(Float64, getfield(u, :u64)) : getfield(u, s)
julia> Base.setproperty!(u::U, s::Symbol, b) = s == :b ? setproperty!(u, :u64, reinterpret(UInt64, b)) : setfield!(u, s, b)
julia> u = U(1)
julia> u.b
julia> u.b = -1.0
julia> u
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Thank you. To give a bit of context, I am trying to build a faster unique
function similar to this one:
h[id] = (int) i + 1;
pans[i] = 0;
} break;
case REALSXP : {
const double *restrict px = REAL(x);
union uno tpv;
if (buniq) {
if (pfromLast) {
for (R_xlen_t i = len_i-1; i > -1; --i) {
R_xlen_t key = 0;
for (R_xlen_t j = 0; j < len_x; ++j) {
tpv.d = px[i+j*len_i];
key ^= HASH(tpv.u[0] + tpv.u[1],K)*97*(j+1);
tpv.d = key;
id = HASH(tpv.u[0] + tpv.u[1], K);
You should have a look at GitHub - analytech-solutions/CBinding.jl: Automatic C interfacing for Julia for working with user-defined C types in Julia, especially if they are already defined in a header file.
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