I implemented my own type of sets (let’s call it MySetType) and now I want to override Julia’s in functionality, similar to what is already supported for SecondOrderCones.
So, I would like to make this work with JuMP:
model = Model(...)
@variable(model, x)
@constraint(model, x in X)
where X is of type MySetType.
Currently, I’m using something like this:
# (...)
function Base::in(x, X::T) where {T <: MyAbstractSetType}
return @build_constraint x .<= X.x_max
my_constraints = x in X
add_constraint.(model, my_constraints)
# (...)
This works, but it would be great if I didn’t have to use the add_constraint function and simply go for the @constraint macro. I know this works for MOI.SecondOrderCone, where you can just do the following:
@constraint(model, x in my_second_order_cone)
I tried to find the source code behind this, but failed.
Has someone done this before? Do I somehow need to override the @constraint macro?
I looked into the link you send, that was already really helpful.
However, I don’t really understand yet what function I need to override to produce the constraints for my set.
I see that @constraint(model, x in X) calls add_constraint. I that the one I should override? Or moi_set maybe?
Unfortunately, the documentation is a bit sparse on this…
Sorry, I thought by “implemented my own type of sets” you meant a MOI.AbstractSet. Note that JuMP does not intercept Base.in, nor does it rewrite in SecondOrderCone to be something different. It just calls moi_set(SecondOrderCone(), dim) to get the correct MOI set to pass to the solver.
Can you give an actual minimal working example of the set you want to add?
Why is this not sufficient:
add_constraint.(model, x in X)
or even
function add_my_constraint(model, x, set::MyAbstractSetType)
return @constraint(model, x .<= set.x_max)
add_my_constraint(model, x, set)
I’d recommend that you don’t (ab)use JuMP’s macro code when writing your own function is simpler to implement and maintain.
function Base::in(x, X::mySet)
return @build_constraint # ...
But if JuMP does not do anything with the in operator, why can’t I overload it to work with @constraint?
I like the @constraint(model, x in X) macro more than the add_constraint function.
So basically my question comes down to: how is @constraint(model, x in SecondOrderCone()) implemented? What does Base::in need to return in order for it to work with @constraint?
The sets I implemented are not something entirely new. Mainly specific polyhedra. I know there are alternatives out there to implementing my own, but I want to do it nonetheless
Because JuMP rewrites it to something else. We don’t call Base.in. We see the symbol :in and rewrite it.
how is @constraint(model, x in SecondOrderCone()) implemented
See @macroexpand
julia> @macroexpand @constraint(model, x in SecondOrderCone())
#= REPL[2]:1 =#
JuMP._valid_model(model, :model)
#= /Users/oscar/.julia/packages/JuMP/6RAQ9/src/macros.jl:392 =#
let model = model
#= /Users/oscar/.julia/packages/JuMP/6RAQ9/src/macros.jl:393 =#
#= /Users/oscar/.julia/packages/JuMP/6RAQ9/src/macros/@constraint.jl:171 =#
var"#1###225" = (MutableArithmetics).copy_if_mutable(x)
#= /Users/oscar/.julia/packages/JuMP/6RAQ9/src/macros/@constraint.jl:172 =#
var"#2#build" = JuMP.model_convert(
JuMP.Containers.var"#error_fn#98"{String}("At REPL[2]:1: `@constraint(model, x in SecondOrderCone())`: "),
#= /Users/oscar/.julia/packages/JuMP/6RAQ9/src/macros/@constraint.jl:173 =#
JuMP.add_constraint(model, var"#2#build", "")
Strip away all the line numbers etc, and you get something like:
build_constraint will only work if you return an object that JuMP already knows how to add_constraint.
If you get an error, you might have to also implement add_constraint. See Extensions · JuMP and Extensions · JuMP. The fallback error messages should also point you the right direction.
I’m not convinced that this is simpler than just writing a function though.
Perhaps I’ll also add: the JuMP extension hooks could be better documented, but it is also somewhat purposeful. They should really be used only by expert JuMP users. I would strongly encourage people reading this to think about other ways they could structure their code. Messing with the JuMP macros is non-trivial, because the code you see at the top-level like @constraint(model, x in set) has nothing to do with the code that is actually being evaluated.