Build_function from differential equation

I tried the example from Symbolics.jl but ran into a problem:

using Symbolics
function lotka_volterra!(du, u, p, t)
  x, y = u
  α, β, δ, γ = p
  du[1] = dx = α*x - β*x*y
  du[2] = dy = -δ*y + γ*x*y
@variables t du[1:2] u[1:2] p[1:4]
lotka_volterra!(du, u, p, t)
D = Differential(t)
f = build_function((@. D(u) ~ du), u, p, t, target=Symbolics.JuliaTarget())

It seems that build_function can not handle the Differential(t) terms:

julia> Base.remove_linenums!(f[1])
:(function (var"##arg#312", var"##arg#313", t)
      let u₁ = var"##arg#312"[1], u₂ = var"##arg#312"[2], p₁ = var"##arg#313"[1], p₂ = var"##arg#313"[2], p₃ = var"##arg#313"[3], p₄ = var"##arg#313"[4]
          (SymbolicUtils.Code.create_array)(typeof(var"##arg#312"), nothing, Val{(2,)}(), Differential(t)(u₁) ~ p₁*u₁ - (p₂*u₁*u₂), Differential(t)(u₂) ~ p₄*u₁*u₂ - (p₃*u₂))

The generated function can not be evaluated:

julia> eval(f[1])(rand(2),rand(4),rand())
2-element Array{Equation,1}:
 Differential(t)(u₁) ~ p₁*u₁ - (p₂*u₁*u₂)
 Differential(t)(u₂) ~ p₄*u₁*u₂ - (p₃*u₂)

If I just use the RHS

f = build_function(du, u, p, t, target=Symbolics.JuliaTarget())

it can be

julia> eval(f[1])(rand(2),rand(4),rand())
2-element Array{Float64,1}:

The MATLABTarget seems to cope with this:

julia> f = build_function((@. D(u) ~ du), u, p, t, target=Symbolics.MATLABTarget())
┌ Warning: build_function(::Array{<:Equation}...) is deprecated. Use build_function(::AbstractArray...) instead.
└ @ Symbolics .julia\packages\Symbolics\cO1c0\src\build_function.jl:677
"diffeqf = @(t,internal_var___u) [internal_var___p(1) * internal_var___u(1) + -1 * internal_var___p(2) * internal_var___u(1) * internal_var___u(2); -1 * internal_var___p(3) * internal_var___u(2) + internal_var___p(4) * internal_var___u(1) * internal_var___u(2)];"

And also the CTaret:

julia> f = build_function((@. D(u) ~ du), u, p, t, target=Symbolics.CTarget())
┌ Warning: build_function(::Array{<:Equation}...) is deprecated. Use build_function(::AbstractArray...) instead.
└ @ Symbolics .julia\packages\Symbolics\cO1c0\src\build_function.jl:463
"void diffeqf(double* du, double* RHS1, double* RHS2, double RHS3) {\n  du[0] = RHS2[0] * RHS1[0] + -1 * RHS2[1] * RHS1[0] * RHS1[1];\n  du[1] = -1 * RHS2[2] * RHS1[1] + RHS2[3] * RHS1[0] * RHS1[1];\n}\n"

The warning that is being thrown is that MATLABTarget and CTarget are not going to allow that in the future because it’s not necessarily correct.

So it should be only the RHS of the equations: du.