I have some build error on Travis ans Appveyor related to the use of basemap in my package.
Build error on appveyor
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: PyError (:PyImport_ImportModule) <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>
ImportError('No module named basemap',)
Same error on Travis.
Here’s the file used for .travis.yml and appveyor.yml.
In those files, I use Pkg.add("Conda"); using Conda; Conda.add("matplotlib"); Conda.add("basemap")';
in before_install
code block. Not sure it’s the right way to do it (obviously not!).
Thanks for any hint and help! I musu admit I’m slightly lost with travis and appeveyor commands.
I’ve succeeded by changing the way I was importing the python packages.
Inside the main Module file ClimateTools.jl:
const basemap = PyNULL()
const np = PyNULL()
const mpl = PyNULL()
function __init__()
copy!(mpl, pyimport_conda("matplotlib", "matplotlib"))
copy!(basemap, pyimport_conda("mpl_toolkits.basemap", "basemap"))
copy!(np, pyimport_conda("numpy", "numpy"))
Previously it was:
@pyimport mpl_toolkits.basemap as basemap
@pyimport numpy as np
And inside .travil.yml
I used:
- julia -e 'Pkg.add("PyCall"); ENV["PYTHON"]=""; Pkg.build("PyCall")'
- julia -e 'Pkg.add("Conda"); using Conda; Conda.add("matplotlib"); Conda.add("basemap");'
So far so good, the builds are now successful. 
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