See the following MWE:
a = "Hello World" #"Hello World"
b = replace(a,"Hello" => "Bye") #"Bye World"
replace!(a, "Hello" => "Bye")
#ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching _replace!(::Base.var"#new#295"{Tuple{Pair{String, String}}}, ::String, ::String, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
_replace!(::Union{Function, Type}, ::AbstractArray, ::AbstractArray, ::Int64) at set.jl:658
_replace!(::Union{Function, Type}, ::Dict{K, V}, ::AbstractDict, ::Int64) where {K, V} at set.jl:691
_replace!(::Union{Function, Type}, ::Set{T}, ::AbstractSet, ::Int64) where T at set.jl:723
[1] replace_pairs!(res::String, A::String, count::Int64, old_new::Tuple{Pair{String, String}})
@ Base .\set.jl:488
[2] replace!(A::String, old_new::Pair{String, String}; count::Int64)
@ Base .\set.jl:478
[3] replace!(A::String, old_new::Pair{String, String})
@ Base .\set.jl:478
So when I try to change the variable a it gives the error as stated above. It should be possible to adjust variable a with the replace! function right? Thanks for helping me out. I use julia 1.6 btw.