I think what that means is that the current way of doing things in Julia allows having a convenient syntax to broadcast any operation.
If you specifically want to define elementwise operations. Then broadcasting may help you for the first level. For other levels, you can still apply broadcasting to broadcasted operations (which you then have to define when they don’t exist, and is arguably more cumbersome way). But, as mentioned above, there are also other ways of doing things, for example using comprehensions:
julia> [[1,2].*y for y in [[3,4], [5,6]]]
2-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
[3, 8]
[5, 12]
Another point should probably be made here. Elementwise operations do exist in Julia. If you want to perform the elementwise product of two arrays of the same arbitrary size, you can always use… the broadcasted *
What we are speaking of here is not an elementwise operation, since operands don’t have the same shape. It happens that what you wanted in this very specific case could have been more easily implemented by a combination of broadcasting and elementwise product if such a product had been available with a specific name (as opposed to the broadcasted use of a generic *
Now, there are different ways of interpreting the “elementwise” product of [1,2] and [[3,4], [5,6]]. One is, like above, to think of [1,2] as a scalar that you multiply (elementwise) in turn to [3,4] and [5,6]. Another way could be to consider [1,2] and [[3,4], [5,6]] both as vectors of size 2 and perform their elementwise product. The first element of the resulting array would then be the “elementwise” product of 1 and [3,4] (where 1 would have to be considered as a scalar and multiplied elementwise to both elements of [3,4]):
julia> [x.*y for (x,y) in zip([1,2], [[3,4], [5,6]])]
2-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
[3, 4]
[10, 12]
If elementwise product was the default in Julia, then what would/should be the correct interpretation of:
[1,2] .* [[3,4], [5,6]]
My answer would be that there is no correct definition of the above, which is why it errors out (as it should). And then we’re back to the conclusion that in order to unequivocally define what you want to do, you have to mix broadcasting (where you have some control over what gets considered as a scalar) and “plain” elementwise operations (where all operands have to have the same shape) on multiple levels. I’m not sure it can be reasonably expected to find a simple syntax allowing to easily describe the combinatorics of possible interpretations when the number of levels increases.