I’ve got a container type for a multidimensional array, and I want to redirect the iterate function to the ‘inner’ array.
This works fine, except it does not preserve dimensions when combined with a broadcast call.
I’m probably missing something very basic here, but I can only seem to get it to broadcast linearly…
struct A
Base.iterate(a::A) = iterate(a.arr)
Base.iterate(a::A, state) = iterate(a.arr, state)
Base.length(a::A) = length(a.arr)
x = fill(false, 1,2,3)
# typeof(x) == Array{Bool,3}
# Bool [1 1]
# Bool [1 1]
# Bool [1 1]
# -> makes sense
a = A(x)
# typeof(a) == A
# Bool [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
# -> not what I'd expect
Now that I think about it again, the problem seems to be more broadcast related…
My iterate function does what it is supposed to do: iterate over every element in my array.
So the real question is: How do i get the broadcast operation for my container type to work like the broadcast on the ‘inner’ type?
EDIT: edited the original question to match my new insights
Essentially the problem is that you’ve not “taught” Julia what the shape of your custom struct is yet. The only thing that Julia knows is that it’s iterable with a one-dimensional length.
Depending upon what you’re doing, you may want to define its size or even subtype <: AbstractMatrix{Bool}. Many many more details in the interfaces chapter: Interfaces · The Julia Language