Boundary Value Problem with ModellingToolkit or DiffEqOperators

At first I thought that there was a bug in the packages but probably I am doing something (completely wrong). I am trying to run the bellow spherical coordinates system with Boundary Values. But not sure if it even makes sense…

@parameters r
@variables T(..)
D = Differential(r)

kc = 25.
ks = 385.
Tf = 350.
Rc = 0.005
Rs = 1.5 * Rc
h = 100.
Sc = 0.
Tinit = 298.
# 1D ODE and boundary conditions
eq = [0 ~ (1/r^2) * D( (1/r^2) * kc * D( T(r) ) ) + Sc,
      0~ D(T(0)),
      0~ D(T(Rs)) - h * (T(Rs) - Tf)]  

# ODE system
sys = ODESystem(eq, T)
T0 = [T => Tinit]
rspan=(0.0 , Rs)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, T0, rspan, p)

# Solve ODE problem
sol = solve(prob)

BVPs are not supported in MTK right now. Please open an issue. You can use BVProblem from DifferentialEquations.jl directly for now though.

thanks for the update. For reference here is the issue

BTW, is there a way to set BCs for the derivatives (Neumann, Robin)?

Yes, in PDESystem form.