Hi I’m developing a new HTTP framework called Bonsai.jl. It’s still WIP but should be useable enough for a package annoncement. A short snippet of what the code looks like.
using Bonsai
const app = App()
function index(stream::HTTP.Stream)
query = Bonsai.read( stream, Query(name=Union{String, Nothing}))
name = isnothing(query.name) ? "John Doe" : query.name
Bonsai.write(stream, Body("Hi, $name"))
function register_handlers!(app)
app.get["/"] = index
function run()
start(app, port=9091)
It basically provides abstraction over a HTTP.Stream
which allows you to declaratively read and write data by specifying types. Feedback, issues and pulls would be appericate, thanks!