Bonito method to get URL within App

currently i’m piecing the URL together from the Session argument as follows, but it’d be nice if there were an exported public way to do this. or did i miss it?

App() do session::Session
       server = session.connection.connection.server
       DOM.div(string(server.protocol, server.url, ':', server.port, server.routes.table[1].first))

[EDIT: updated code to actually work]

What do you want to do exactly?
There are multiple ways to get the servers public url.

i want to do exactly that-- programmatically get the servers public URL, so i can either display it on the page or better yet copy it to the clipboard on a button press. thx!

I guess you can use:

using Bonito

get_server(session::Session) = get_server(session.asset_server)
get_server(server::HTTPAssetServer) = server.server
get_server(server::Bonito.ChildAssetServer) = get_server(server.parent)
get_server(any) = error("Not an HTTP server for session")

App() do session::Session
    server = get_server(session)
    DOM.div(string(Bonito.online_url(server, "")))

Would be cool if this works:

App() do session::Session

This doesn’t work right now, but I think that could fall under the use cases for Link.

thanks! those new get_server definitions would be handy to have in Bonito. and i guess i misunderstood the docstring for online_url– i interpreted that as setting the URL, not getting it.