Blending colours of overlapping lines with lighten mode

I want to plot Rays with multiple colours in Makie. Sometimes these rays might overlap each other, for example when I want to show light diffraction from a prism, I would want to represent a white ray but made out of multiple wavelengths, i.e. multiple colours. When plotting multiple lines above each other in Makie, with transparency set to true the line becomes black. I was just wondering if there is a way to change this behaviour such that the colours lighten when drawn on top of each other.

using GLMakie
using Colors: RGBA

f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
rays = [(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0)) for _ in 1:50]
ray_colors = [RGBA(rand(), rand(), rand(), 1.0) for _ in 1:50]
linesegments!(ax, rays, color=ray_colors, transparency=true)

Here is some example code where I would want the line that is plotted to be white or a light color in the end. Is there any setting for this in Makie?