BinaryBuilder project works on Travis CI, but fails on GitLab CI

Any idea, why the following (Julia 1.0) BinaryBuilder project,, builds (using BB) just fine on Travis CI (in 2019 and today in Aug. 2021), but has trouble building on GitLab CI?

The project,

BINARYBUILDER_RUNNER=docker BINARYBUILDER_AUTOMATIC_APPLE=true julia --color=yes build_tarballs.jl --verbose
  • but fails to build tarballs on (a private) GitLab CI running BB in a julia-1.0 container (Julia 1.0 on Debian - on Kubernetes, where the GitLab CI runner is running in privileged mode - it can run docker-in-docker etc.).

Here is the GitLab CI YAML - just a copy of the working Travis CI YAML, except from not defining BINARYBUILDER_DOWNLOADS_CACHE=downloads:

  image: julia:1.0-buster

    - .julia:1.0
    - julia --project -e 'using Pkg; pkg"add BinaryProvider@0.5.3"; pkg"add BinaryBuilder@0.1.4";'
    - julia --color=yes --project build_tarballs.jl --verbose
    - ls -la products || true

The failure on the GitLab CI runner seems to stem from not being able to write to /workspace/destdir - even a touch $prefix/lib/libfoo.txt in the BB build script fails:

touch: /workspace/destdir/lib/libfoo.txt: Permission denied

I have experimented with setting

  • just setting BINARYBUILDER_USE_SQUASHFS=true
  • and combining BINARYBUILDER_RUNNER=privileged with BINARYBUILDER_USE_SQUASHFS=true (it seems SquashFS images are used on Travis (without setting any env. variables)

Any ideas? What is different/special with Travis?

My last resort (which may come very soon) is trying to upgrade to Julia 1.3+


No clue

Note that BinaryBuilder v0.1.4 is 2.5-year old and the package has been largely rewritten since then. The workflow now is completely different. It’s quite unlikely you’ll get any help for that branch of development.

OK - thanks for the quick reply.

Time to get the dust off this project and upgrade… :slight_smile: