The following code shows two ways of collecting data into an array.
MyArray0 may not include YrEnd depending on YrStep.
MyArray1 always includes YrEnd regardless of YrStep.
Question, is there a better or more elegant way to code MyArray1…Archie
# sample data to drive MyArray0 and MyArray1
YrBeg = 1751
YrStep = 10
YrEnd = 1776
MyArray0 = collect(YrBeg:YrStep:YrEnd) # YrEnd may not be in MyArray0
MyArray1 = push!(collect(YrBeg:YrStep:YrEnd-1), YrEnd) # YrEnd always in MyArray1
@show(MyArray0, MyArray1)
# is there a simpler or more elegant way to code MyArray1?