I’d like to tune a model in JLBoost (an awesome, all Julia package by @xiaodai builds on XGBoost, LightGBM, & Catboost).
using RDatasets, DataFrames, JLBoost, MLJ;
d = dataset("MASS", "Boston");
train, test = partition(eachindex(d[:,1]), .7, rng=333);
target = :MedV;
features = setdiff(names(d), [target]);
warm_start = fill(0.0, nrow(d));
dt = d[train,:]; dh = d[test,:];
yt = d[train, target]; yh = d[test, target]; y = d[!, target];
using LossFunctions: L2DistLoss;
loss = L2DistLoss();
g_η = .3 ∪ range(0, 1, length=3)
g_λ = 0 ∪ range(0, 1, length=3)
g_γ = 0 ∪ range(0, 1, length=3)
g_md = 6 ∪ (1:10)
G = Iterators.product(g_η, g_λ, g_γ, g_md);
sc=[]; p=[];
@time for g in G
m = jlboost(dt, target, features, warm_start, loss;
eta = g[1],
lambda = g[2],
gamma = g[3],
max_depth = g[4] )
ŷ = predict(m, dh)
push!(sc, rms(ŷ, yh) )
push!(p, ( g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4]) )
p[ findall(x->x==minimum(sc), sc) ]
This does grid search over the entire grid G.
Q1: how can I create a new grid, G1, which is a random subset of G w/ 30 elements?
However, I also wanna include all the default hyper-parameters in G1 as well.
Q2: does anyone know all the options currently available in Julia for tuning hyper-parameters?
Currently the only package tagged hyper-parameter optimization in (https://pkg.julialang.org/docs/) is @baggepinnen’s Hyperopt.jl. It looks promising but I can’t load it bc it requires CMake which isn’t building right now.