Best way to drop an entry of a CartesianIndex?

Out of curiosity, what is the best way to drop one entry of an idx::CartesianIndex? Or, generally, to access a slice of it. It’s forbidden to do idx[2:5], so right now I’m doing:


Just curious if this is the best way to do this.

That works. You can also do the following which may be slightly shorter.

julia> idx = CartesianIndex((1,2,3,4,5))
CartesianIndex(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

julia> CartesianIndex(idx.I[2:5])
CartesianIndex(2, 3, 4, 5)

Your version is arguably better though as it does not depend on the implementation details of CartesianIndex.

A better answer might come if you tell us what larger problem you are trying to solve.

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Thanks! This definitely works for me, as much as I’m tempted to overload Base.getindex and introduce all kinds of weird bugs into my project.

My particular problem is just that I have a a::Array{Float64, 5} and I want to get the whole “column” containing a particular index idx::CartesianIndex{5}.

So basically, right now I’m doing

function get_column_containing(A, idx)
  return A[:, CartesianIndex(Tuple(idx)[2:5])

There is also:


which may be a little more self documenting.

You may also find Base.setindex (not to be confused with the more popular Base.setindex!) to be useful, since stripping/replacing things in the middle (if you have that need) can be more tedious.

julia> idx = CartesianIndex(1,2,3,4,5);

julia> Base.setindex(Tuple(idx),:,2)
(1, Colon(), 3, 4, 5)

julia> A[Base.setindex(Tuple(idx),:,2)...]

Note that this call to setindex is technically type-unstable, but if the index is a compile time constant then it will usually resolve itself via constant propagation (compare @code_warntype Base.setindex(Tuple(idx),:,2) to @code_warntype (i->Base.setindex(Tuple(i),:,2))(idx)). The same thing appears to happen with CartesianIndex(Tuple(idx)[2:5]), where the 2:5 would normally cause a type instability (length(2:5) is not a part of the type of 2:5, but length is important to Tuple) but is resolved via constant propagation.