Best solution to Julia's soft scope problem?

This thread is a very disheartening read for someone trying to use Julia’s powerful libraries for quick experimentation with a new idea. I can’t fathom why Julia needs to enforce scope to “coach [us] to better programming practice”. Who cares if my code is slow, besides me? I just want to try running a for loop. For what it’s worth I am trying to debug something like the below and getting scope errors out the kazoo:

nIter = 10
numReals = zeros()
p_star = zeros(27)
currNumReals = 0
for i = 1:nIter
    new_model = MvNormal(p_star,I)
    param_star = rand(new_model,1)
    a = solve(F)
    tempNumReals = length(real_solutions(a))
    if tempNumReals > currNumReals 
        p_star = vec(param_star)
        currNumReals = tempNumReals
        p_star = p_star
        currNumReals = currNumReals
    numReals[i] = currNumReals