Beam bending using Gridap

Hi Guys

I would appreciate any advice on the below code. I am struggling to get it up and running. It is cantilevered beam which I am trying to solve.

using Gridap

𝒯 = CartesianDiscreteModel((0,1),(5)) 

refFE = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)

V = TestFESpace(𝒯,refFE,dirichlet_tags=[1])

Q = FESpace(model, ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1))

uD = (0.1)

U = TrialFESpace(V,uD)
P = TrialFESpace(Q)

E = 200e9
I = 1e6

w = 10
# RHS(u,v) = ∫( w*v )dΩ
# LHS(u,v) = E*I

RHS(u,v) = ∫( w*v )dΩ  # This is incorrect, need to define properly
LHS(u,v) = E*I * ∫(∂(∂(u)) * ∂(∂(v)))  # This is also incorrect, defining the weak form properly

op = AffineFEOperator(RHS,LHS,U,V,uD)

weak form