Seems there’s two problems here. The first is that the softmax
function in NNLib
has some pretty restrictive typing, which means it’s not playing nice with the automatic differentiation. The other is that the anonymous function you defined as a replacement for softmax
, xs -> exp.(xs) / sum(exp.(xs))
doesn’t actually work columnwise – it’ll take the sum of an entire rectangular array and divide every element by that sum. So the whole array will sum to one, but no individual column is a probability vector. I wrote my own softmax
function that plays fairly nice with Flux:
function softmax_(arr::AbstractArray)
ex = mapslices(x -> exp.(x), arr, dims=1)
rows, cols = size(arr)
val = similar(ex)
for i in 1:cols
s = sum(ex[:,i])
for j in 1:rows
val[j,i] = ex[j,i] / s
return val
And changed the feedforward
function to:
function feedforward(inp::AbstractArray, theta::AbstractVector)
W0, b0, W1, b1, W2, b2 = weights(theta)
model = Chain(
Dense(W0, b0, tanh),
Dense(W1, b1, tanh),
Dense(W2, b2, σ),
return model(inp)
Note that you’ll also get a speedup from using Turing’s reverse mode AD (which uses Flux) by calling setadbackend(:reverse_diff)
. Reverse mode tends to be faster if you have a lot of parameters, as in the case of neural nets.
I haven’t investigated to see if the results are sensible, but here’s the full code I’ve modified to work:
using Flux
using RDatasets
using Measures
using StatsPlots
using PlotThemes
using Turing
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris");
@df iris scatter(:SepalLength, :SepalWidth, group = :Species,
xlabel = "Length", ylabel = "Width", markersize = 5,
markeralpha = 0.75, markerstrokewidth = 0, linealpha = 0,
m = (0.5, [:cross :hex :star7], 12),
margin = 5mm)
inputs = convert(Matrix, iris[1:4]);
labels = map(x -> x == "setosa" ? 0 : x == "versicolor" ? 1 : 2, iris[end]);
function softmax_(arr::AbstractArray)
ex = mapslices(x -> exp.(x), arr, dims=1)
rows, cols = size(arr)
val = similar(ex)
for i in 1:cols
s = sum(ex[:,i])
for j in 1:rows
val[j,i] = ex[j,i] / s
return val
function weights(theta::AbstractVector)
W0 = reshape(theta[ 1:20], 5, 4); b0 = reshape(theta[21:25], 5)
W1 = reshape(theta[26:45], 4, 5); b1 = reshape(theta[46:49], 4)
WO = reshape(theta[50:61], 3, 4); bO = reshape(theta[61:63], 3)
return W0, b0, W1, b1, WO, bO
function feedforward(inp::AbstractArray, theta::AbstractVector)
W0, b0, W1, b1, W2, b2 = weights(theta)
model = Chain(
Dense(W0, b0, tanh),
Dense(W1, b1, tanh),
Dense(W2, b2, σ),
return model(inp)
alpha = 0.09;
sigma = sqrt(1.0 / alpha);
@model bayesnn(inp, lab) = begin
theta ~ MvNormal(zeros(63), sigma .* ones(63))
preds = feedforward(inp, theta)
for i = 1:length(lab)
lab[i] ~ Categorical(preds[:,i])
steps = 5000
chain = sample(bayesnn(Array(inputs'), labels), HMC(steps, 0.05, 4));
Let me know how it works out! It’s a nifty little project you’re doing here.