can anyone shed me a light on how minibatching in GeometricFlux works? Particularly I am interested in running minibatch on a set of graphs with different edge matrices.
Thanks for an answer,
can anyone shed me a light on how minibatching in GeometricFlux works? Particularly I am interested in running minibatch on a set of graphs with different edge matrices.
Thanks for an answer,
The mini-batch training on GPU is only supported for the graph with the same topology. It could be quite hard to batch up adjacency matrices with different graphs. Some effort is required to come out an approach to batch up adjacency matrices with different graphs. I am still currently considering about this problem. If there is any idea or paper, it’s welcome to inform me and I will try implement it.
thanks for an answer. I have written a dirty fix, but it is not particularly nice. What I do is that I wrap the graph in a structure containing independent components. My assumption is that GNN operating over two components are independent, since all interaction is between vertices connected by edges. Then I have function reducing embedding of vertices, which understands the components.
Unfortunately, the construction of minibatch is a bit clunky, since I do not understand (read I was lazy / did not have time to) fully the format of SparseGraph and mapping to edges. So what I do I create the minibatch by concatenating SimpleGraph
and then make FeaturedGraph
out of it. Something along the following line, but note the below code is written for multigraphs, but you will got the idea behind.
struct MultiGraph{N,G,T<:AbstractMatrix,C}
function Base.reduce(::typeof(Base.cat), mgs::Vector{<:SimpleMultiGraph})
# TODO: consider to add some sane asserts
components = map(g -> g.components === nothing ? [1:size(g.vprops,2)] : g.components, mgs)
fadj = [map(g -> g.graphs[i].fadjlist, mgs) for i in 1:length(first(mgs).graphs)]
offset = 0
for (i, g) in enumerate(mgs)
components[i] = map(c -> c .+ offset, components[i])
for j in 1:length(fadj)
fadj[j][i] = map(c -> c .+ offset, fadj[j][i])
offset += size(g.vprops, 2)
components = reduce(vcat, components)
fadj = map(fa -> reduce(vcat, fa), fadj)
graphs = tuple(map(fa -> SimpleGraph(sum(length.(fa)), fa), fadj)...)
vprops = reduce(hcat, [g.vprops for g in mgs])
MultiGraph(graphs, vprops, components)
function meanmax(g::MultiGraph{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,<:Vector{<:UnitRange}})
vprops = g.vprops
xx = map(g.components) do c
x = (@view vprops[:,c])
vcat(mean(x, dims = 2), maximum(x, dims = 2))
reduce(hcat, xx)
BTW how TorchGeometric does it? Does it allow to create minibatch also only for fixed graph?
It seems that stacking up adjacency matrices in a diagonal fashion could be a solusion [1].
I think I can take this approach. Thank you for pointing this out.
[1] Advanced Mini-Batching — pytorch_geometric documentation
Happy glad to help,
I have implemented this in past when I have been writing extension of our Mill.jl to work over graphs. The main nuisance was to have full feature parity, which meant writing getobs
If if would help, I can post the code and you can adapt it.
Batching graphs (in the usual way of creating a large graph with disconnected components) has been supported in GraphNeuralNetworks.jl since the very beginning.
You can look at the example on the homepage Home · GraphNeuralNetworks.jl
where batching is done implicitly when iterating a Dataloader
created with the option collate=true
or you can do it explicitly with g = MLUtils.batch([g1, g2, ...])
It is also compatible with MLUtils.numobs
and MLUtils.getobs
julia> using GraphNeuralNetworks, MLUtils
julia> gs = [rand_graph(10, 20) for _=1:10]
10-element Vector{GNNGraph{Tuple{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Int64}, Nothing}}}:
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
GNNGraph(10, 20)
julia> g = MLUtils.batch(gs)
num_nodes = 100
num_edges = 200
num_graphs = 10
julia> getobs(g, 1)
num_nodes = 10
num_edges = 20
julia> getobs(g, 1) == gs[1]
Thanks Carlo, I will take a look!!!