I´m starting to work with Flux and I have a neural network with 63 entries, 2 hidden layers and 1 exit. Each entry and exit is a vector of 113344 elements, from which 78801 elements belong to the training set and the remainder, to the test set.
I trained the network with 5000 epochs, and it took around 8 hours to complete the training. So, in order to decrease this time, I thought about using early stopping and defining batch sizes, but I´m not sure how to do it. At this moment, I´m using the following code to train the network:
function loss_training(x_train::Array{Float64,2}, y_train::Array{Float64,2})
model = Chain(Dense(63,63,sigmoid),Dense(63,63,sigmoid),Dense(63,1,sigmoid))
loss(x,y) = Flux.mae(model(x),y)
ps = params(model)
dataset = [(x_train’,y_train’)]
opt = ADAGrad()
cb = () → println(loss(x_train’,y_train’))
Flux.@epochs 5000 Flux.train!(loss,ps,dataset,opt,cb=cb)
y_hat = model(x_train’)’
return y_hat, model
y_hat, model = @time loss_training(x_train, y_train)
y_test_hat = @time model(x_test’)’