Basic guide on making things that dominate in Julia

Here is my analysis on making your product in Julia that’s the best.

Julia’s promise has been two solve two cultures problem. However, while that is a broad guideline, that alone does NOT make a competitive product with Julia. Machine learning, with python and c/c++, still leads Julia by light years. Games, with engine written in low-level language and script in high-level language, are still pretty much in its infancy. We cannot rely on “solving two culture problems” to make something that dominates in Julia. We need something more specific.

What then? Answer: it might not exist yet. When you combine things from seemingly disparate ecosystems, the number of possible ideas increase exponentially with the number of things you combine. And unlike in other languages, you can actually combine things to make it work. This is actually where Julia shines the most, not simply in certain things, but as a combination of multiple things.

But how would you find such a thing? Well, here’s a quote from Steve Jobs.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

Learn lots of packages. They will connect and combine to form something new.
Then, that intersection might form a very small niche. Dominate that niche (by being essentially the only one that seriously does that thing). Then, expand that niche,
Finally I have my answer!

Maybe @ChrisRackauckas would be able to give a concrete example with SciML as well as some other advices?

Do you find this analysis accurate?

Hi @Tarny_GG_Channie,
Your enthusiasm to help the Julia community is appreciated! But you do open a lot of similar topics with vague titles and broad questions. The moderation feels like this is not necessarily the best use of this forum’s time and energy.
If you have specific projects of interest, feel free to discuss them here, but I’m closing this one.