I recently received the following warning in Plots:
┌ Warning: Indices Base.OneTo(3) of attribute `seriescolor` does not match data indices 1:17.
└ @ Plots /home/dfish/.julia/packages/Plots/SVksJ/src/utils.jl:102
┌ Info: Data contains NaNs or missing values, and indices of `seriescolor` vector do not match data indices.
│ If you intend elements of `seriescolor` to apply to individual NaN-separated segements in the data,
│ pass each segment in a separate vector instead, and use a row vector for `seriescolor`. Legend entries
│ may be suppressed by passing an empty label.
│ For example,
│ plot([1:2,1:3], [[4,5],[3,4,5]], label=["y" ""], seriescolor=[1 2])
└ @ Plots /home/dfish/.julia/packages/Plots/SVksJ/src/utils.jl:104
After making the necessary fixes, the bars do not extend to the x-axis. How can I fix that?
using Plots
bar(["a" "b" "c"], [2.34596e-5 7.51904e-5 0.000517363],
fillcolor=[:darkred :grey :darkgreen], alpha=.7,grid=false, xaxis=font(14), yaxis=font(14),
leg=false, yscale=:log10, ylabel="Seconds (log10)", xrotation=45, size=(800,400))