There might be some inconsistencies regarding 0*NaN
: if one has p = 0*NaN
, then p is also NaN
(ok, treating this as julia convention), however,
using LinearAlgebra
x = rand(2,2)
y = rand(2,2)
y[1,1] = NaN
axpby!(.3, x, 0.0, y)
y == .3*x # true
should be equal to 0.3*x[1,1]+0.0*NaN
, which by julia convention should also be NaN but is not; this is also different from the behavior of StaticArray,
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
x = rand(2,2)
y = rand(2,2)
y[1,1] = NaN
sx = MMatrix{2,2}(x)
sy = MMatrix{2,2}(y)
axpby!(.3, sx, 0.0, sy)
sy == .3*sx # false
sy[1,1] is indeed NaN
. Bug or expected? Thanks!
Note: this calls BLAS.axpby, not the generic routine