AxisArray plotted by Plots.jl

is there a way to display an image defined using AxisArray into a plot with XY axes and scaled properly?

using Images, ImageAxes, Plots
img = colorview(Gray, reshape(linspace(0,1, 10000), 100, 100))
imx = AxisArray(img, Axis{:x}(linspace(-0.1, 0.1,size(img,1) )),
                Axis{:y}(linspace(-0.1, 0.1,size(img,2) )))

I’d like to develop a PlotRecipe that would position the image matrix to the right place. Is there any example or tutorial how to achieve this axis transformation using PlotRecipes?
Thank you for your hints.


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It’s a nice idea, I am not sure this is possible with just a recipe, though, but it should definitely be feasible to have this functionality. Try and have a look at how images are handled in the Plots code.

Thanks for the answer. I’ll try to tackle this as soon I have time for that.

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I think this already works in ImageView. Of course you don’t get the lovely axes and other features of Plots.

Any headway on this?
I filed an issue regarding plotting images.

If there is an easy way to convert that image into a GMTimage type than you could do all you want with GMT.jl. And I would be interested in including the conversion code into the GMT.jl itself.