I guess like this.
let fig = Figure()
xmax = 4(2π)
sxs = (0:.1:xmax)
f(x) = x^2
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
scatter!(ax, sxs, f)
n = 5
xs = sxs[ceil.(Int, range(firstindex(sxs), lastindex(sxs); length=5))] .+ 3
ys = f.(xs) .+ 85
axs = map(xs, ys) do x,y
bbox = lift(ax.scene.viewport, ax.finallimits) do vp, axlims
((vp_xo, vp_yo), (vp_xw, vp_yw)) = vp.origin, vp.widths
((ax_xo, ax_yo), (ax_xw, ax_yw)) = axlims.origin, axlims.widths
axspace_to_vpspace(x,y) = let scale = [vp_xw / ax_xw, vp_yw / ax_yw]
scale .* ([x, y] + [ax_xo, ax_yo]) + [vp_xo, vp_yo]
vp_l, vp_b = axspace_to_vpspace(x,y)
vp_r, vp_t = axspace_to_vpspace(x+ax_xw/10,y+ax_yw/10)
BBox(vp_l, vp_r, vp_b, vp_t)
a = Axis(fig; bbox)
scatter!(a, rand(n), rand(n))
This was pretty tricky though, and might go wrong with unitful or logarithmic axes. Would it be theoretically possible to just do like this?
xs = 1:5:30
ys = xs .^ 2
scatter(xs, ys; marker=[scatter(rand(50), rand(50)).axis for _ in xs])
Perhaps with custom marker shape · Issue #422 · MakieOrg/Makie.jl · GitHub, or is Axis
the wrong kind of thing so it couldn’t ever be a marker?