Attaching an Axis (or any plot object) to a Figure/Scene after creation is not possible currently.
What I do currently, and which we haven’t had time to consolidate into a real recipe-like API is something like this, where you can plot your recipe into any gridlayout position. If no Figure exists, yet, it is created automatically. It would be nice to have this at some point with full tie-in to the theming system, conversion system, etc.
In this example, you only need to define compositeplot
once and can reuse it for all plotting functions, then one forwarding method of the plotting function and one implementation method.
There are still things to work out, like what each method should return etc. but it might be a start for you.
using CairoMakie
function compositeplot(func::Function, gp::Union{GridPosition,GridSubposition}, args...; kwargs...)
f = Makie.get_top_parent(gp)
f isa Figure || error("Parent of GridPosition must be a Figure not a $(typeof(f))")
g = Makie.GridLayoutBase.get_layout_at!(gp; createmissing = true)
result = func(f, g, args...; kwargs...)
return f, result
function compositeplot(func::Function, args...; figure = (;), kwargs...)
f = Figure(; figure...)
result = func(f[1, 1], args...; kwargs...)
return f, result
myplot(args...; kwargs...) = compositeplot(myplot, args...; kwargs...)
function myplot(f::Figure, g::GridLayout, data::Vector{Float64}; colormap = :RdBu)
ax = Axis(g[1, 1], title = "$colormap")
sc = scatter!(ax, data; color = randn(length(data)), colormap)
cb = Colorbar(g[2, 1], sc, vertical = false)
return (; axis = ax, colorbar = cb, scatterlines = sc)
fig, stuff = myplot(cumsum(randn(100)))
myplot(fig[2, 1], cumsum(randn(100)); colormap = :inferno)
_, morestuff = myplot(fig[1:2, 2], cumsum(randn(100)); colormap = :Blues)
morestuff.colorbar.label = "Hi from the label"