I need to modify the labels and the range limits of the axes of my graph. It should be an easy task with Plots, indeed it is for 2d graphs. However, the same code doesn’t work when the dimensions become three (3d).
I’m plotting in Juno, using Plots as library and plotlyjs as backend.
Here’s my code:
using Plots
x = [2,3,4,1]
y = [8,3,1,2]
z = [4,5,3,4]
p1 = plot(x, y, seriestype=:scatter,
title="Hello!", xlabel = "xlabel", ylabel="ylabel",
xlims=(0.0, 6.5), ylims=(0.0,9.0))
p2 = plot(x, y, z, seriestype=:scatter,
title="Hello!", ylabel="ylabel", zlabel="zlabel",
xlims=(0.0, 12.5), ylims=(0.0,9.0), zlims=(0.0,5.0))
p1, which is a 2d graph, is displayed correctly:
On the contrary, in p2 (which is a 3d graph), the ‘xlims’ and ‘xlabel’ attributes don’t seem to work:
Is it a bug or I need to change something? In the latter case, where do I find useful (not outdated) documentation?