Automatic resizing of struct internal array when value changes?

I have a struct made as:

# Main Struct for Gradient Values
@with_kw struct ∇ᵢWᵢⱼStruct{T,ST}

    # Input for calculation
    xᵢⱼ     ::AbstractVector{SVector{ST,T}} = zeros(SVector{ST,T},NL[])
    xᵢⱼ²    ::AbstractVector{T}             = similar(xᵢⱼ,T,NL[])
    dᵢⱼ     ::AbstractVector{T}             = similar(xᵢⱼ,T,NL[])
    qᵢⱼ     ::AbstractVector{T}             = similar(xᵢⱼ,T,NL[])
    ∇ᵢWᵢⱼ   ::AbstractVector{SVector{ST,T}} = similar(xᵢⱼ,NL[])

Where NL is the variable determining the length of each array. When I update NL, I wish for all other arrays to update in size as well.

To me this would be neat if it was done through updating “NL” automatically :slight_smile:

The reason I use BaseValue.Ref etc. is explained more here:

So I was hoping that by updating NL I could trigger a “reaction” updating everything which is an AbstractArray in the struct to the new size

Kind regards