Automatic direct labels for Makie with Voronoi tessellation

This might be a bug in Makie.jl.

This here draws a red box around the text, but the text is then placed wrongly.

using CairoMakie, StableRNGs                                                                                                                                                                                                 
x = cumsum(randn(StableRNG(1), 100).^2)                                                             
f = lines(x)                                                                                        
scene = campixel(f.axis.scene)                                                                      
lbl = text!(scene, 50, 50, text="Direct Labels are Great!", align=(:right,:bottom))                 
bb = boundingbox(lbl)                                                                               
wireframe!(scene, bb, color=:red, space=:pixel)                                                     
save("mwe_makie.png", f)         

What I changed is

  1. remove axis=(yscale=log10,)
  2. Create a new Scene with campixel and use that to place the text.

I think that both points interfer somehow with each other…

Here is the output:

It was mentioned here How to draw a textbox around a text in Makie.jl? - #2 by ffreyer that boundingbox does not do the right thing. However, I could not get the workaround to work either (would need more time).

We should open an issue over at Makie.jl.