Yeah, there have been a bunch of changes in reinterpret
. This works on both 0.6 and master:
using Compat
using ForwardDiff
const LinearAlgebra = Compat.LinearAlgebra
function MTv(M::Matrix{Float64}, v::Vector{ForwardDiff.Dual{T,V,N}}) where {T, V <: LinearAlgebra.BlasFloat, N}
num_v = length(v)
vmat = transpose(reshape(reinterpret(V, v), N + 1, num_v)) # first column: values, other columns: partials
result = transpose(M * vmat) # first row: values, other rows: partials
reinterpret(ForwardDiff.Dual{T, V, N}, reshape(result, length(result)))
using Compat.Test
@testset "MTv" begin
m = 3
n = 4
p = 5
M = rand(m, n)
v = [ForwardDiff.Dual(rand(), ForwardDiff.Partials(tuple(rand(p)...))) for _ = 1 : n]
ret1 = MTv(M, v)
ret2 = M * v
@test ret1 ≈ ret2
nparams = 10;
v_len = 100_000;
out_len =30;
v = ForwardDiff.Dual.(randn(v_len),[tuple(rand(nparams)...) for dd=1:v_len]);
M=rand(out_len, v_len);
using BenchmarkTools
@btime MTv($M, $v);
@btime $M * $v;
Results on latest master:
6.503 ms (6 allocations: 2.88 KiB)
14.319 ms (1 allocation: 2.75 KiB)
Results on 0.6.2:
9.500 ms (12 allocations: 8.40 MiB)
17.520 ms (1 allocation: 2.75 KiB)
Edit: I noticed that the difference is much smaller (but still significant) with -O3