Consider the following expression c=exp(A*t)*b
where A
is a matrix, b
and c
are vectors and t
is a scalar. I’m trying to teach ForwardDiff to calculate the derivative of c
with respect to t
, which is nothing but A*c
. This is my attempt so far
import ForwardDiff: derivative, Dual, value, partials
import ExponentialUtilities: expv
using SparseArrays
function expv(t::Dual, A, v::Vector; kw...)
w = expv(value(t), A, v; kw...)
return Dual(w, (A*w) .* partials(t))
A = sparse([0 1.; 1. 0])
v = [1., 0]
f(t) = expv(t, A, v)
derivative(f, 1.0)
However, I get the following error, which makes me think that this is not possible at all. Is this the case? Is there any other automatic differentiation tool for doing this?
ERROR: ArgumentError: Cannot create a dual over scalar type Array{Float64,1}. If the type behaves
as a scalar, define FowardDiff.can_dual.