Automate Git credentials for package updates

I have several of my own packages stored on a campus GitLab server.

Every time I do a Pkg.update(), I have to provide my Git username/password, individually for each of these packages. It gets a bit tedious.

Is there a way to store Git credentials somewhere so Pkg can provide them automatically?


Just use SSH keys:


You can store the credentials in ~/.git-credentials as https://{user}:{password} and then add

    helper = store

to your ~/.gitconfig

I see you asked about gitlab and not github, my bad. I think the above solution should still work if you change github to gitlab, but I don’t know for sure

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When you say

You can store the credentials in ~/.git-credentials as https://{user}:{password} and then add

what do you mean? For example if my username is “user1” and my password (or 2fa token) is “12345”, What do I write in my .git-credentials file? is it this?

    name = Bob
    email =
    user = user1
    password = 12345
    helper = store

I think it would be https:/

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I see, .git-credentials is its own file with just https:/ in it. Thanks!