I had some problems when using geopandas in julia. First, I run the following code to install the package:
import Pkg; Pkg.add(“CondaPkg”)
using CondaPkg
CondaPkg.add(“geopandas”) .
See How to install geopandas in julia - #4 by M-PERSIC?
Second, when I create a moule in which geopandas is used, there is an error of AttributeError(“module ‘geopandas’ has no attribute ‘plotting’”). So I checked the geopandas folder , but it did have a plotting.py file.
How is this different from your other thread here?
Please don’t double post.
If you install a python package with Conda and is it is not available afterwards you might have multiple python installations and aren’t installing packages where you think you are.
I am sorry to double post it, and thanks for your reply. I checked my python versions, and found that there are two place have python.exe, but only one version of python. Shoud I delete one of them? If so, which one should I delete? Or how can I insatall geopandas to the one I wanted to in julia?