Associativity of promote_type

I found this via a bug report in JuMP: Error vcat(::NonlinearExpr, ::VariableRef, ::Float64) · Issue #3671 · jump-dev/JuMP.jl · GitHub.

promote_type has an implicit assumption of associativity, i.e.:

promote_type(A, promote_type(B, C)) == promote_type(promote_type(A, B), C)

That’s because the implementation is essentially promote_type(A, args...) = promote_type(A, promote_type(args...)).

This causes issues:

julia> struct Foo; x::Int end

julia> struct Bar; x::Int end

julia> Base.convert(::Type{Foo}, b::Bar) = Foo(b.x)

julia> Base.convert(::Type{Bar}, x::Int) = Bar(x)

julia> Base.promote_rule(::Type{Foo}, ::Type{Bar}) = Foo

julia> Base.promote_rule(::Type{Bar}, ::Type{Int}) = Bar

julia> promote_type(Foo, Bar, Int)

julia> promote_type(Foo, Int, Bar)

julia> promote_type(Bar, Foo, Int)

julia> promote_type(Bar, Int, Foo)

julia> promote_type(Int, Foo, Bar)

julia> promote_type(Int, Foo, Bar)

julia> promote_type(Int, Bar, Foo)

Depending on the order of arguments, the type might be Foo or Any.

If it is Foo, then we are missing a direct convert method convert(::Type{Foo}, ::Int)

julia> [3, Foo(1), Bar(2)]
3-element Vector{Any}:

julia> [Foo(1), Bar(2), 3]
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Int64 to an object of type Foo
Closest candidates are:
convert(::Type{Foo}, ::Bar)
@ Main REPL[105]:1
convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T
@ Base Base.jl:84
@ Main REPL[103]:1
[1] setindex!(A::Vector{Foo}, x::Int64, i1::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:1021
[2] (::Base.var"#114#115"{Vector{Foo}})(i::Int64, v::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:456
[3] afoldl(::Base.var"#114#115"{Vector{Foo}}, ::Int64, ::Foo, ::Bar, ::Int64)
@ Base ./operators.jl:546
[4] getindex(::Type{Foo}, ::Foo, ::Bar, ::Int64)
@ Base ./array.jl:455
[5] vect(::Foo, ::Vararg{Any})
@ Base ./array.jl:187
[6] top-level scope
@ REPL[115]:1


  • Am I a fool for not defining the necessary promote_rule and converts needed for associativity? I didn’t really want Int to be promoted to Foo! I wanted the Any. (But I do want Int to be promoted to Bar when needed.)

or in other words:

  • Is it expected behavior? I assume so.
  • How can one ensure that any user-defined promote_rules satisfy associativity? Just manual inspection + tests?

FYI, the implementation has changed for the nightly build since March 2024.

Two important things to note here are:

  • We can’t try every pair because of the combinatorial explosion.
  • The change in the order is not considered a so-called breaking change (for now).
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Is this a problem in practice? Your example seems a bit artificial. If one has a non-associative binary operation, it probably wouldn’t be invoked with more than 2 arguments anyway. But maybe 2-argument promote_type wouldn’t be sufficient for operations that inherently take more than 2 arguments.

It makes me wonder if promote_type should dispatch on the function as well as the argument types.

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Yes, this was a bug in JuMP. See the link in the first post. Ive since fixed by adding the missing convert method.

There’s no need for that, because if you want to do something specific to a particular function, you can implement whatever rule you want simply as a method of that function, e.g.

myfunc(x::Number, y::Number) = x + y
myfunc(x::Float16, y::Int) = myfunc(Float64(x), y) # custom promotion rule
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To be honest, I would expect promote_type to be order-independent, i.e., to commute, as well. Fail to see how it could be useful to have the promoted type be different due to ordering?

As I wrote above, we do so not because it is useful, but because there is no other way.
Order dependencies can occur even if there are no obvious bugs.

julia> VERSION

julia> [0.0f0, Complex(0,1), pi] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 1})

julia> [0.0f0, pi, Complex(0,1)] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 1})

julia> [Complex(0,1), 0.0f0, pi] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [Complex(0,1), pi, 0.0f0] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [pi, 0.0f0, Complex(0,1)] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [pi, Complex(0,1), 0.0f0] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})
julia> VERSION

julia> [0.0f0, Complex(0,1), pi] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [0.0f0, pi, Complex(0,1)] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [Complex(0,1), 0.0f0, pi] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [Complex(0,1), pi, 0.0f0] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 1})

julia> [pi, 0.0f0, Complex(0,1)] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF32} (alias for Array{Complex{Float32}, 1})

julia> [pi, Complex(0,1), 0.0f0] |> typeof
Vector{ComplexF64} (alias for Array{Complex{Float64}, 1})
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